I was disappointed in most replies It seems to me that Somalia will probably become a Sunni Iraq or Iran-type republic, judging by the wishes of the people on that forum. Of course, they are ex-pats from Somalia, so things the wishes of people within Somalia may be very different. I wish I knew.
Some of what OLOL wrote was pretty good. Mansa Munsa has been writing some pro-freedom opinions for some time.
For most people, it depends on how you phrase the question. Suppose you asked the following question: Which vision for Somalia is better: (a) the one written about in the article "Somalia Village Offers Hope" or (b) a vision in which one group conquers the country, killing thousands, then disarms the people and starts taxing and oppressing them. Of course, they'll choose "a" or suggest a fantasy vision of (c) a government that on balance makes life better for people.
But I think Somalia is so entrenched in vision "a" that the most powerful incentives at work are the ones that are preventing a central government from taking hold.
I posed a question to actual Somalis on a prominent English-Somali discussion-forum: Do Somalis want anarcho-capitalism?
I was disappointed in most replies It seems to me that Somalia will probably become a Sunni Iraq or Iran-type republic, judging by the wishes of the people on that forum. Of course, they are ex-pats from Somalia, so things the wishes of people within Somalia may be very different. I wish I knew.
Some of what OLOL wrote was pretty good. Mansa Munsa has been writing some pro-freedom opinions for some time.
For most people, it depends on how you phrase the question. Suppose you asked the following question: Which vision for Somalia is better: (a) the one written about in the article "Somalia Village Offers Hope" or (b) a vision in which one group conquers the country, killing thousands, then disarms the people and starts taxing and oppressing them. Of course, they'll choose "a" or suggest a fantasy vision of (c) a government that on balance makes life better for people.
But I think Somalia is so entrenched in vision "a" that the most powerful incentives at work are the ones that are preventing a central government from taking hold.
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